About Us

Mission:   United as a team, we endeavor to grow and nurture engaged learners who will demonstrate their personal best in and out of the HIVE.

C = Caring     H = Hardworking      E = Engaged      S = Students/Staff

Core Values:

  • Every child is entitled to a rigorous and meaningful education.
  • Every child, no matter their demographic or socio/economic background, has value and can learn.
  • Learning is a lifelong process and as educators, we learn and implement best practices to meet the needs of all students.
  • Every child deserves a safe and nurturing environment in order for their learning to flourish.

Vision:  Educating and Nurturing Future Contributors of our Society
Yearlong Theme: CHASING GREATNESS in our attitude, character, friendships, and learning.


School Demographics: Celeste Henkel serves 560 students. Of the students currently enrolled, 65% are Caucasian; 11% African- American; 14% Hispanic; 2% Asian; .8% other.

Program Offerings: Celeste Henkel Elementary offers various educational programs to assist our students in meeting their academic and emotional needs. All students attend Art, Music, Physical Education, Guidance, Science, and Technology classes. Our primary focus is to provide engaging and meaningful learning experiences enabling each student to achieve mastery. Learning is differentiated to both challenge and meet students' learning needs. Our school has several intervention rooms where students receive research and results-based interventions to help close gaps. We also offer iReady, Phonics for Reading, Bridges Math Interventions, and Letterland K-3.

Additionally, our school offers an assortment of clubs to nurture leadership, build collaboration and problem-solving, highlight talent in the arts, and prepare students for future career opportunities. Three of our school clubs brought home distinctions during the last three years. The Battle of the Books team earned third place in the district competition held in March 2021. The Celeste Odyssey of the Mind Team placed first in the state and fifth in the World Odyssey of the Mind Competition held in Orlando, Fl, in June 2021. In February 2023, one of our Odyssey teams placed 2nd in the Regionals and qualified to compete in the Odyssey State Competition Lastly, Team JJAKE walked away as the Grand Champions during the 2022 District Robotics Competition held in the spring. Our clubs continue to grow as we build our community partnerships. We plan to add First Aid and a Podcast club to our ever-growing selection. 

History of Celeste Henkel Elementary [Our school has a rich history that's worth investigating. Did you know we started as a high school in 1926?]
School Improvement Plan:       Celeste SIP

Contact Information:
Celeste Henkel Elementary
1503 Old Mountain Rd., Statesville, NC 28677
Telephone: 704-873-7333 
Frank Saraco [Principal]

Results: Celeste Henkel School Report Card