Addison Hutchison Foundation – [Donations to our school & students]
Aftershock Ministry – [Donate supplies for our teachers and students.]
Bethel United Methodist Church – [Provides food relief assistance at a reduced price through Angel Food Ministries & volunteer work.
Bethlehem United Methodist Church – [Provides access for our students to Bethlehem's Pumpkin Patch, allows use of church facilities, provides tutors and lunch buddies, assists needy families, donates school supplies, and provides staff recognition.]
Beulah Baptist Church – [staff appreciation, school supplies, facilities usage, Good News Club, & much more]
Cafemom – [Creates a website group to communicate about school activities. Donates money after a certain amount of parents join the group.]
Center Stage Alliance –[Community partner for our school-based clubs initiative]
Davis Spine Associates – [Services to staff and monetary support of students. "Adopts" children at the beginning of the year & provides school supplies. Helps financially periodically– staff recognitions, students' needs].
Emergency Medical Services –EMS Iredell County [Community partner for our school-based clubs initiative]
Food Lion – [Tutoring or Mentoring. Workplace tours & Cartsmart program. Teacher/Business Professional Exchange.]
GMS Racing –[school projects, events, mentoring program]
Iredell EMS – [Community partner for our school-based clubs initiative]
Lisa Kennedy, Deaf Services Specialist, with Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Morganton [Community partner for our school-based clubs initiative]
Mountain Road Baptist Church – [Tutoring. Donates school supplies and periodically provides food & snacks for staff. Assists needy students with supplies and gifts during the holidays.]
Tilley's Dance Academy – [Community partner for our school-based clubs initiative]
Western Avenue Baptist Church – [Donates supplies and periodically provides food & snacks for the staff.]