Exceptional Children (EC)
Meet our EC Department [from left to right]: Jennifer Hunt, Hope Laird, Dawn Alsop, Stephanie Massey, Kathy Richards, Sherrill Alsop, Kassie Armstrong, Debbie Pitsenbarger, Rebecca Laska [missing: Brittany Stevenson, Jennifer Morrison]
[Resource Program]
Mrs. Dawn Alsop [EC Resource] – [email]: dalsop@iss.k12.nc.us
Mrs. Jennifer Hunt [EC Resource- Instructional Assistant] – [email]: jennifer_hunt@iss.k12.nc.us
This is both a state and federally funded program for children. Children must qualify under state guidelines for certain categories and they receive individual and small group instruction in many subject areas. When they qualify they are serviced with an Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.) designed just for them. The whole idea of this program is to remediate the child's weaknesses by using his strengths and interests. The idea is to return the child into the regular classroom as soon as possible.
[Speech Language Pathology]
Mrs. Kathy Richards – [email]: kathy_richards@iss.k12.nc.us
Mrs Kassie Armstrong {Speech Clinician] – [email]: kassie_armstrong@iss.k12.nc.us
Mrs. Rebecca Laska [K-2 LI Classroom] – [email]: rebecca_laska@iss.k12.nc.us
Mrs. Hope Laird [3-5 LI Classroom] - [email]: hope_laird@iss.k12.nc.us
[Visually Impaired Program]
Mrs. Tara Rider – [email]: tara_rider@iss.k12.nc.us
Mrs. Debbie Pitsenbarger [braillist] – [email]: debbie_pitsenbarger@iss.k12.nc.us
[AIG Support]
The Gifted Specialist works with the classroom teachers to provide resources and prepares dynamic, highly engaging experiences on a weekly basis. In addition, the Specialist suggests strategies that will challenge identified students and all high achievers.
Mrs. Carol Millsaps –[email]: cbmillsaps@iss.k12.nc.us