Our Parents
[School Policies]
7:30 am – 2:20 pm. Students are tardy if they are not in the building by 7:30 am.
Students are limited to no more than 10 lawful or unlawful absences during the school year
• 10 early dismissals and/or tardies = 1 absence
• After 10 absences, the student’s promotion to the next grade level is at risk
• All assignments missed during any absence must be completed with in the time period set by the teacher
• Non-school sponsored trips will be coded as unlawful
[Excused/Lawful Absences]
In accordance with the rules and regulation of the State Board of Education, the following conditions shall constitute valid
reasons for excused absences. For a more complete definition of each condition, refer to the State Board of Education
regulation at www.ncpublicschools.org:
1. Illness or injury
2. Quarantine
3. Death in the immediate family
4. Medical or dental appointments
5. Court or administrative proceedings
6. Religious observances: The student is absent due to a religious observance in accordance with local school board policy.
7. Educational Opportunity: A student may be granted an excused absence to take advantage of a valid educational opportunity such as
travel, an internship, or service as a legislative page. To be approved, the student or the student’s parent or
guardian must submit a written statement explaining how the experience will enhance the student’s knowledge or
understanding of one or more subjects contained in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. In addition, the
principal may require written assignments and/or make up work.
8. Suspension: Suspensions are considered “lawful” absences.
[Unexcused/Unlawful Absences]
In accordance with the Compulsory Attendance Law and the Attendance Regulations adopted by the State Board of Education, an unlawful absence (sometimes referred to as unexcused absence) is any absence for any purpose other than those listed above (Section A, 1-8). The term “unlawful absence” applies only to the Compulsory Attendance Law. Additionally, if the parent/guardian fails to provide written explanation of the absence within two days of the student’s return to the school, the absence shall be unexcused.
[Excessive Tardies]
Elementary School: Ten [10] early dismissals/tardies = [1] absence. Promotion at risk after [10] absences
Whenever possible all medicines should be given at home. In the event that medications must be administered during school hours, the Iredell-Statesville Schools Board of Education authorizes designated school personnel to administer medication prescribed by a physician and other practitioners authorized to prescribe medication upon written request and authorization of the parent or guardian as permitted by North Carolina General Statues according to established procedures by N.C. General Statues. Designated school personnel may include teachers, substitute teachers, teacher assistants, or other school employees. The Board of Education assumes no responsibility for students who self-medicate. Confidentiality of medication records will be maintained. Parents and Students should carefully review Board Policy #6125.
Complete the Request for Medication to be Given during School Hours form. This form may be obtained from the school and requires a parent/guardian signature and health care provider signature. This must be completed for prescription and over the counter medication. Prescription medication must be brought to school in the original container properly labeled by the pharmacist. Over the counter medication must be in the original container. Inform the school promptly of any newly prescribed medication or changes in medication. If a prescribed medication will be administered at school for 10 days or less, it is not necessary to complete the Request for Medication to be Given during School Hours form. Send the medication to school in the original container labeled by the pharmacist along with a dated and signed note from the parent/guardian. Medications are not to be sent on the bus. If this presents a hardship contact the school nurse. A student with asthma, diabetes, or severe allergies may possess and self-administer medications to treat these health concerns. A Request for Medication to be Given during School Hours form must be completed. The school nurse may administer certain standing order medications to your child while at school. To have these medications available for your child read and complete Consent for the Administration of Approved Standing Order Medications form. All medication forms must have required signatures and returned to your child’s school. If you would like to review the Iredell-Statesville School’s Student Medication Policy, copies are available at your child’s school. If you have any questions regarding the medication policy contact your school nurse.
[Bus Service] Please allow 5-7 days for bus service to come into effect.
Transportation changes:
Notices need to be in writing.
Students MAY NOT ride home with a friend on that student's bus.
[Discipline] Positive Behavior Support [PBS]:
Iredell-Statesville Schools utilizes research-based strategies to help prevent problem behaviors and intervene in more serious chronic discipline issues. Positive Behavior Support is a district wide initiative. Many schools in Iredell-Statesville Schools implement school-wide Positive Behavior Support strategies, which involve creating clear and common approaches to discipline, a clear set of positive expectations and the teaching and the reinforcing of school-wide expectations that are unique to each individual school. Positive Behavior Support (PBS) fosters a positive climate to improve academic and behavior success. PBS also provides schools with tools to utilize to create a positive school climate.